ACH Bank Transfer Payment Setup

To set up ACH Bank Transfer on your account, follow these steps:

  1. Login to Your Billing Account: Visit the billing account login page at If you've forgotten your password, use the "Forgot Password" option on the login page. Your username is the email address where you receive your billing statements.

  2. Ensure You Have a Due Invoice: ACH payments can only be set up when you have a due invoice. Go through the payment process to pay the invoice. Once you set up ACH bank transfer for the first time, it will be available for future use.

  3. Access Billing and Invoices: After logging in, click on "Billing" in the top menu, then select "My Invoices."

  4. Select Due Invoice: Click on the invoice number of the due invoice.

  5. Change Payment Method: On the invoice page, change the payment method to "Bank Transfer."

  6. Initiate Payment: After the page reloads, click on the green "Pay Now" button.

  7. Add New Bank Account: On the checkout page, click on "Add new Bank Account."

    • Add a description.
    • Click "Add Bank Information." This will launch the bank verification system through our provider, Plaid. Follow the steps in your browser to verify your bank information.
    • Once completed, you'll be redirected to your invoice page, and it will show "Payment Pending."
  8. Note on ACH Payments: ACH payments typically take 5 business days to clear.

  9. Future Use: This banking information can now be used for regular or auto-pay on all future invoicing.

These steps should guide you through the process of setting up ACH Bank Transfer on your account, and you can now use this information for convenient payments in the future. If you encounter any issues or have further questions, please feel free to contact our support team for assistance.

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